The 5 Numbers You Need To Step Up And Take Control Of Your Business

You've worked hard to get this far. But there's a limit to how long you can be run by your business, instead of you running it, right?

After more than 2 decades working with small, enterprise and corporate businesses in Australia and the UK, I know the secret to taking control of your business.

The 5 Numbers You Need To Step Up And Take Control Of Your Business

You've worked hard to get this far. But there's a limit to how long you can be run by your business, instead of you running it, right?

After more than 2 decades working with small, enterprise and corporate businesses in Australia and the UK, I know the secret to taking control of your business.

Know Your Numbers

Turn information you already have into your biggest asset

Presented by Vanessa Bamford,

Chartered Accountant, Finance Manager & Business Strategist

Know Your Numbers

Turn information you already have into your biggest business asset

Presented by Vanessa Bamford,

Chartered Accountant, Finance Manager
& Business Strategist

"Vanessa's Know Your Numbers program has changed my life. I'm so much more confident and when I speak I feel backed because I know the numbers."

Alison Eberhard, Gawler Caravan Park

"Know Your Numbers is like a gym membership for your figures! You show up, flex the muscles, and build the reps around your financial knowledge."

Daniel Mackay, Action Indoor Sport & Inflatable World

This Training Is For You If...

  • Your Profit + Loss Statement looks like an overwhelming sea of random numbers

  • Sales Targets, KPIs, Gross Profit and ROI sound like a foreign language

  • You're on an constant and exhausting rollercoaster of boom or bust with no end (or solution) in sight

  • Your Imposter Syndrome gets more of a workout than your Xero subscription

  • An Accountant or Bookkeeper handles all your money matters but you still don't feel like you're getting ahead

Here's the thing...

You know you’ve got something good going on with you business.

But you’re ready to think bigger. You’re ready to make more impact.

Most of all you want to be the kind of business person who can (and does) make decisions confidently, without constantly second guessing yourself or worrying that your business is going to stagnate.

"This course has been an absolute game changer for our business. It has helped us to improve cashflow, our GP and our overall understanding of what it takes to successfully generate the cashflow we want each month."

Make Your Business Work Harder, Not You...

In this 4-part online training, I'll share with you the five key numbers you need to understand, track and measure, in order to confidently make decisions across your ENTIRE business, if you want to maximise the impact you have for your customers, your staff, and yourself.

MODULE #1: Your numbers are the problem, probably not your marketing.

We explore common struggles small and medium size business owners put down to marketing, when really they simply need the tools to assess and look at their business with fresh eyes.

MODULE #2: The five numbers you need to know to stop the overwhelm and how to use them in your business.

We introduce you to five super simple and painless numbers strategies you can implement right away to take the fear and overwhelm out of running your business.

MODULE #3: How to make confident decisions using the numbers that already exist in your business (even if maths isn't your thing).

We'll help you unlock the tools and resources that already exist in your business that will help you start making decisions based on facts and not guesswork.

MODULE #4: Using your numbers to create more impact in your business.

We give you the confidence to take your head out of the sand and the clarity to create the kind of impact in your business that changes the trajectory for you, your staff, and your customers.

Your Training Includes:

  • Online access to my signature Know Your Numbers workshop

  • 12 step-by-step videos that introduce you to your fundamental numbers

  • Printable workbook and action sheets

  • Access to my Business Dashboard so you can start tracking your numbers right

  • 3 months access so you pace yourself and rewatch each video as you implement the strategies

Live Workshop $497

"I've downloaded so many free courses and didn't actually expect this one to be any different. Except it WAS! Thank you Vanessa.

I've always avoided looking too closely at my numbers (yep self confessed number-phobe here!) but this was a gentle reminder that ignoring them isn't doing me or my business any favours.

PS: Strategy 3 made helped me make back the price of the workshop 10x over."

On The Fence?

There are a LOT of gurus out there quick to tell you what's wrong with your business. Everyone has an opinion about why you can't get traction or increase your income.

The truth is, the answers to every question you have about your business are hiding in plain sight.

From where to market your brand, to how many bolts to order, the answers can be found in your numbers.

Know Your Numbers is about cutting through all the noise, confusion and advice to give you the tools and knowledge you need to tap into the resources you already have in your business that will help you stop going in circles, stop operating a half-arsed business, and step up and take control.

It's time to take your head out of the sand and get cozy with your numbers (even if it scares you a bit!).

On The Fence?

There are a LOT of gurus out there quick to tell you what's wrong with your business. Everyone has an opinion about why you can't get traction or increase your income.

The truth is, the answers to every question you have about your business are hiding in plain sight.

From where to market your brand, to how many bolts to order, the answers can be found in your numbers.

Know Your Numbers is about cutting through all the noise, confusion and advice to give you the tools and knowledge you need to tap into the resources you already have in your business that will help you stop going in circles, stop operating a half-arsed business, and step up and take control.

It's time to take your head out of the sand and get cozy with your numbers (even if it scares you a bit!).

Hey there, I'm Vanessa,

As an experienced Accountant, Finance Manager, and Business Strategist I know there are a LOT of people out there who don't love numbers.

That is NOT me!

Early in my career I realised a fear of numbers was the number one thing holding my clients back from confidently building and running a truly impactful business.

I'm on a mission to help introduce non-number people to how powerful even the most basic data can be so they can confidently step up and build the business they dream of.

I've helped hundreds of business owners just like you understand, embrace, and harness the power of numbers in a non-judgemental, easy to understand, highly practical way, so they can bring more fo their magic to the world.

Questions We Sometimes Get Asked

What if I have a bookkeeper who takes care of all my numbers magic?

In our experience bookkeepers are great at processing your expenses and presenting you with a P&L at the end of the month. But even the best in the business isn't going to be able to help you assess your numbers in a way that will create a huge difference in your business.

My accountant has looked at my numbers and told me everything is fine. How can I tell if they're telling the truth?

We love hearing stories about awesome Accountants. Know Your Numbers is a super low cost way of being able to hold your Accountant accountable (go figure!) and gives you the tools to check that they're providing you with the information you need to run your business successfully.

I failed year 5 maths, am I a lost cause?

Know Your Numbers has been designed SPECIFICALLY for you! We hold your hand and guide you through all the numbers you need to know in a way that won't make you feel embarrassed or foolish. Many of our KYN participants say this workshop was the catalyst to them thinking completely differently about numbers and finance.

Do you have a money back guarantee?

Short answer no, we know if you do the work, you'll see the results. HOWEVER if you finish the workshop, take the five actions we've stepped out for you and implement them in your business and you see absolutely ZERO change in 3 months, email us and we'll chat about giving you your money back.

I've spent a lot of money on marketing programs that didn't help. Why would this be any different?

We know how frustrating it is to spend money on something and not see results. Chances are the things you've been spending money on were never going to succeed because you started trying to build walls or put a roof on your business BEFORE you'd looked at the foundations. Numbers are the foundation of your business - that's why we think it's so important to start with the basics.

Will I know everything about money after doing this workshop?

Collectively my team and I have over two decades of finance experience and we're still learning! This workshop is designed as a broad brush approach to not just money but how your numbers can impact every decision you make in your business.

Will I get strategies to make loads of profit really fast?

We're unashamedly focused on helping you create long term, sustainable growth, not fast and furious profits that generally crash and burn the moment your back is turned. Our strategies help you build habits that you can use week in week out to build a more impactful business.

Live Workshop $497

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